Thank you to all of you who have either written a story during the first two of these or have read them and left a comment. You certainly have made this fun.
This month's stories will due to be posted between November 18-20
Photo Credits:
(From commons, unless otherwise noted)
Main Character- Trekguy
Backdrop- tootsie 14
Purpose- Uncle Phooey
Item- vodainghia_takeshi
Wild Card #1- oberazzi
Wild Card #2- charliebay
Wild card #3- unknown- (was sent via an email)

The pictures have been so different every month. What a great selection. I'll have to sit with these for a while. :)
Thanks for facilitating this! :)
Oh wow, can't wait to get started, lol...I have something rambling thru my brain as I type, lol!
Ohmygosh......I haven't gotten all the ones read from the last go-round!
Best I get reading, huh?
some beautiful shots this month Jeff! thanks :)
really do appreciate you being the host with the most
have a great weekend
the road to hell is paved with good intentions. right? Well- I'll meet you there. I'll try to remember.
Cherie- You're very welcome. It's fun to go through all the hundreds of choices for photos each month.
Sandi- Your story this month was packed with emotion. can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Mel- There are some good ones out there too.
Dianne- Glad you and the others are enjoying this challenge. I was happy with the pics this time around. They should lend themselves to some good stories.
Vodka Mom- Life has a way of filling up with plenty of other things to do in a months time. Don't feel guilty.
Love the pictures for the next round!
Jeff, I look forward to seeing what you and the others come up with. These are intriguing images.
I like your choice of pictures. I've already got an idea or two swirling around in my head. BJ
Akelamalu- Thanks, they seemed to work well with each other this time.
San- Hope you'll make it back to read them next month.
B. Roan- Looking forward to read what you come up with this time around.
I would like to be able to do the challenge next month. I enjoyed it alot when I participated.
I hope that you have a great week Jeff.
Jennifer- That'd be great if you can join in again.
Hope to join in too!
Maggie May- Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Welcome aboard.
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