I started the comment story a couple of weeks ago and have only managed to eek out about a page so far. Partly because all those wild comments are kicking my butt, but mostly because I just can't seem to find the time to sit down for more than a few minutes at any stretch. One of these days I suppose I'll get to it. In the mean time I have to remind myself, "Guilt free blogging Jeff."
In other news, my older (much, much older) brother Gene is going to be a Grandfather. Wow does it feel weird typing that! His oldest daughter Steffani and her Husband Josh are expecting the new arrival in late May. I believe the official due date is the twenty-fifth. This will make me a great uncle. I have of course, always been one, but now I'll have the lofty title to prove it. Bwahahahaha
Good grief, I can't believe she is having a baby. I still remember her being a little girl playing with Barbies and such. Dang, these kids grow up fast don't they? Now she's a young woman preparing for parenthood herself. Congrats my dear!
More to follow when life settles a bit for me. Until then, Ciao