I honestly can't remember ever cooking a pot roast before tonight. If I ever did it was so long ago that it's slipped my mind. (insert old age jokes here)
Oh well, here is my very first? second? one:
About a three pound chuck roast studded with garlic and seasoned with salt and pepper. Put a little oil in the pan and sear it on both sides on the stove top.

Put it in the oven at 320 F with a lid on for about two and a quarter hours. Put in some potatoes, carrots and onions. Back in the oven (covered) for another hour or so. Make a little gravy out of the drippings if you like. (cause the roast isn't nearly bad enough on your arteries by itself)

Fix a plate. Listen to the kids say, "Ewww we don't like onions". Tell them to, "Be quiet and eat 'em anyway cause they'll put hair on your chest!" (BTW- this only works with boys) and then enjoy some darned tasty eats. That's a roll at the top of the plate if you're wondering.

Thanks to my mom for the cooking instructions, and no I didn't use your top secrete method of preparing it. Bwahahahahaha (sorry everyone, inside joke.)
Pot Roast -love 'em! I tend to do mine in the crockpot though. But the preliminary prep -same as yours. This meal used to be one of my ex-husband's favorites and if I really wanted to butter him up, I'd often fix this then for supper. My kids always loved this dish. I don't make it as frequently now as I used to though because the two little grandkids here are not big fans of "meat and potatoes" preferring pasta type entrees most of the time. But I keep hoping they'll eventually develop a taste for this meal as I like it a lot. (The leftovers then make for a really great meal of "Roast beef pot pie" then too! (Which is a big favorite of all three of my kids!)
If you turn you pan side ways it kinda looks like Michigan.
"your" not "you" on the second you that is supposed to be a your.
I serve this at least once a month at my house, year round. In the summer it's more for the sandwich meat, and I go pretty light on the potatoes.
I just invited a blogging friend to dinner and fixed him pot roast. HE said it was yummy.
Yum-Oh. Save me some for after Easter. Cheers Jeff!!
Jeni- I imagine the slow cooking in the crock pot would work really well for this.
Lanny- I was thinking baseball glove, but now that you mention it I can see Michigan too.
Quilly- Good choice for an invitation meal.
Matt- You poor meat deprived man. I gave up lent for that very reason.
I love pot roast with carrots and potatoes too. Sometimes I roast it in the oven. Sometimes I cook it up in an electric skillet. This is yummy cause you get some crispy bits with the meat and can "blacken" the carrots and potatoes. And sometimes I cook it in the crock pot.
If you cook it in the crock pot you can use a much cheaper roast. Something like arm roast will be soooo tender when it's done it just all pulls apart with a fork. Yummy!
Oh yeah, you can also sear the roast before putting it in the crock pot. That's how my sister does it.
Oh yum!
Last night I had cold cereal for dinner.
And now I am hungry all over again!
pot roast is totally yum!
it does work well in the crock pot too....especially if one needs to be at work all day...
I didn't want to miss pointing out that the plate presentation was just lovely...nice vegetable arrangement and the way the gravy was drizzled over the meat...simply lovely.
four stars
(five if the roll was handmade)
I love pot roast and I like your new look blog too Jeff! :)
MAN OH MAN....I could have really used this last night!
We got a ton of snow yesterday and it was windy and freezing. And all I kept thinking about, was running home and having either home-made chicken soup or a wonderful pot roast!
I should have come to your house!
*any left-over's?
Tee, hee!
I love me some pot roast but have not done one in a while, though Nancy made a DE-licious one recently...I like that I don't have to do all the cooking!
Yum! and I'm here at work with nothing good to eat!
Pot roast is one of my favorite meals. When I was a kid it was a regular Sunday treat. It's easy to fix and it's yummy.
Have a terrific day. :)
MMmmmmmm!!! Comfort food!!
I made beef stew with dumplings the other day. I use a pressure cooker which meant that took about 18 minutes, but turns out just the same as if it had been in the oven for a couple of hours. You can do pot roasts in them as well, but I haven't done that since the kids were small.
At first I thought you were talking about burning that special field in the back 40.
Looks yummy.
We had post roast for the late meal on Sunday. It was cooked in a slow cooker with apple juice and apple slices. No onions.
I like it because the meat comes out really tender.
I usually use an eye-round and cook on the stove, but your's looks positively delicious.
Have I told you before how much a man that cooks turns me on? ;)
Jay- The only part of this that I missed was the caramelized carrots. They are much better that way.
Kay- Dang, you should have come by.
Katherine- Thanks for noticing. You can take the chef out of the kitchen, but. . .
Akelamalu- Thanks, it was fun to change it up a bit.
Ron- You finally got your butt freezing wheather you like so much. In a word - cool.
There was just enough left over for lunch today.
Bond- Lisa was saying the same thing about enjoying a evening off from cooking.
BJ- They need to invent those food replicators like they had in Star Trek.
Sandee- I remember my mom cooking a pretty mean pot roast too. Good food - good memories.
Jay- Pressure cooking is something I've never done. I really should give it a go someday.
Nessa- You lost me on that one. hmmmm...
Dr John- Seems a lot of you use a crock pot for this. The apple juice would probably give it a nice flavor, but I have to say, I'm not big on cooked apples.
Nitebyrd- If I told you I clean too what would that do for you? Rarrrh!
I can just invision you in the kitchen with your apron on...and cooking. Your wife is one lucky woman.
Does she do the dishes? You are a good man. My sons cook too. Hubs' cooking is improving. I would rather do the dishes because I am tired of cooking after all of these years.
I use an eye of round and it is perfect. Not an ounce of fat and very tender. Roll it in cracked black pepper and cook. It is the best roast I have ever had, though expensive, we don't cook it often.
Nicely plated. I almost never eat beef any more... but this looks lovely. Hair on your chest works on boys, eh? Very funny.
Well done, sir!
I'll suggest that to himself.
Yup, yaknow--the chef of the house.
<-- gave him a very cute apron.
I hope you have one, of course.
We have it about once a month. My big tip is to wrap the seasoned roast tightly with aluminum foil(along with a can of your favorite cream of___ soup, undiluted!). Stays moist, makes gravy, and can be done in oven or crock pot- clean-up is much easier...
Don't forget to torture Matt-Man with your meat photos...
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