Tap, Tap, Tap....
Hello... is this thing on?
I've been away from this blog for about a year and a half now. Wow! I put together another blog and wrote on it for a bit, but that didn't seem to stick. All the change came form my worrying too much about what other people thought about me. "What if I say this? What if I say that?"Maybe you know the feeling.
Well, in the words of Popeye "I am what I am."
I've decided that I'm reconciled with Christ and frankly that's all that matters. He knows my heart and my intentions. The rest of the world can choose to like me or not and neither is going to make a flipping bit of difference in another hundred years.
So why come back now after the loooooong hiatus? Well, I miss writing; whether it's a short story or jusrt a paragraph about something trivial. Perhaps in between my chaotic schedule I'll find the time to pen a few words now and again. Facebook is alright, but it doesn't afford the same creative outlet I'm looking for.
So if you happen to still have this site in your reader and you've come back for another look... Thank you.
More to follow soon... really!
At about the time I was ready to shut down the computer and go to bed, I happened to see your post on my reader. I wanted to say, I miss your writing, too. But then...I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't comment. Yawn. Man am I tired today!
Good to have you back.
At some point in your life, you realize that you can't change what others think of you, and you really don't care what they think anyway. ;)
Welcome back Sir. You were missed.
I'll definitely add you to my sidebar again. I saw you on FB a couple times, but am never really sure if people just want to keep a small group of friends or include everyone and their grandmother, ya know, so I didn't try to stalk you there. haha
Welcome back, always liked your writing.
Thank you all.
It feels good be be back again.
What a very nice surprise. I'm truly glad that you are back Jeff. Happy writing!
<-- figured if it was good 'nuff for katherine..........
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