Roger from Idaho Daily Photo made this one.

This guy always amazes me with his creative skills for all things computer. His sense of humor and fun with photography make visiting him worth the click every time.
Thanks Roger!
Mary from Work of the Poet passed this one on. She asked that Chuck of Foster Me Up get the credit for making the award.

The very first time Mary visited my blog wasn't the greatest of start for two people, or maybe it was. I posted something that didn't sit well with her and she politely let me know it. This I thought was great! Now if that sounds odd to you, let me clarify. Rather than just get offended and not leave a comment, she took the time to express her difference with me. She didn't do it in a vile or hateful way, she did it honestly. Ahhhhha, that's refreshing. (try to get that in the "real" world)
We commented back and forth with one another and with an apology from me and a "clean slate start" from her we have managed to stay in touch with each others blogs.
I really wanted to share this with you all, because I've seen questions posted before about criticism in comments and whether people will leave them or not. This is proof positive that just because you or I are the recipient of criticism, doesn't mean were are making enemies. I've had my foot in my mouth enough times to appreciate it when someone will set me straight. I may not like it at the moment it's offered, but as I let it soak in, if done properly, it makes me a better person in the long run.
Thanks Mary!
Make sure you vist them if you have a chance.
In July my father passed away and this weekend we, (mom, brothers, aunts and uncles) are going to place his ashes in the cemetery where his mother and father are buried. Not exactly what you might call a fun trip, but one that needs to be done none-the-less. We have a plaque/marker that was provided by the Navy that will mark his resting place. For some, who were unable to be at his memorial service, it will be a time to say goodbye. For others it will bring closure to them with regard to his chapter on this earth. To me? I'm not sure what it will bring. I'm at peace now, but this will likely bring my emotions to the surface again.
Good part of the trip is that I'll get to hang out with my brother Gene. We always have a great time teasing each other, and with Mark (middle brother) and mom there too it will be a no holds barred sarcasm fest. Ah yes...good times...good times indeed.
I might do a comment game post tomorrow or some variation there of.
I've been a bit lax in getting to all of your sites the last few days. Sorry if I haven't made it by, but I'll try to make it over before I leave.
A sarcasm fest, huh? My older daughter will really be surprised to learn there are at least three other people - siblings - who operate the same way as my kids and I do. If you can't handle sarcasm, then you definitely don't want to be around my kids and me! The older daughter says that word - sarcasm - should be our middle name!
i'm sorry that you are coming to Cali for that reason. May you find comfort in doing that. Tuff one and something that I am not looking forward too one of these days....
Just know that the SUN awaits you Here!
Have a safe trip, find your peace, and try to relax. Cheers Jeff!!
My thoughts are that comment is a great comment, especially if I don't agree with it! Those are the comments that most help expand my mind and my world.
(((((((((( Jeff ))))))))))))
And hug the mom a good squeeze for all of us.
Be safe in the journey.
And know you're being thought of.
There is no bad reason when you're with family. I have always believed in the soul, and gravesites are comforting to alot of people, but my comfort lies in the fact that the departed are somewhere else, on new adventures..
Congrats on your awards, Jeff. They're well deserved.
Emotions aside, being with your family to say a final farewell to your dad will be wonderful. Enjoy that part.
Time with your bros will be nice! Of course emotions will come up too in between the sarcasm.
Yesterday, a friend showed me a few pictures she took of my nephew when he returned from submarine deployment and when I looked at him I was instantly seeing my Dad who was a Navy man too. The tears came up so quickly I couldn't stop it. He's been gone since
'99 so sometimes you just don't know how it'll hit you.
Enjoy your trip. Nice post about your blogger friends. Us 'Marys' are a little challenging at times. LOL
A agree that all comments do not have to agree with your actually makes it more interesting...
your trip is a tough closure always is...but being with your family and letting the snark fly and the tears flow and the laughter wash it all away as you remember dad will make it all bearable
Mornin' Jeff!
Hey, congrats on your awards, buddy...they are truly deserved.
You bring a lot of "wonderfulness" into our thank you!
I also did this same thing with my father's ashes about 13 years ago. My mother, brother and I went to the 18th hole of his favorite golf course, along the beach in Florida...and placed them there. And I've got to tell was a beautiful experience!
Peace, bud!
Depending on how the dissenting comment is written, I agree it can be very informative. If it's just mudslinging, then I give it no merit whatsoever.
I wish you peace on your trip to California. A tough one to make, but a journey that is needed.
My best to you, my friend.
I am glad that you can all make the trip together. You have some great stories and memories of your dad...
prayers for a safe and uneventful trip.
I'm sorry about your father. Hope you have a safe trip.
Jeni- I'm sure people on the outside looking in at our families wonder at times if we are completely nuts. The answer to that of course sould be yes, but in a good way.
Jahooni- Stopping in Yreka the first night where my oldest brother lives, then of all places to Paradise! I kid you not. How appropriate that he'd be laid to rest there.
It's a city about 1 1/2- 2 hours north of Sacramento.
Matt- Thanks bro
Dana- As one who is no stranger to stirring the pot from time to time, I know you get your fair share of them. You do a great job of interacting with all of your comments.
Mel- Mom will probably have read your comment, but I'll make sure to give her a squeeze for you anyway.
Buffalo- Agreed. He's probably on a stream trout fishing right now.
Nitebyrd- Thank you.
Crystalchick- It's deffinitely the little things that you don't expect that hit the emotion button.
Bond- I've always maintained that any comment outside of spam or outright hatred is welcome.
Ron- Nice thing to do for your dad. I'm really not looking forward to the rehashing of the emotions, but maybe I'll have a different opinion after this weekend.
Songbird- The godd, the bad and the ugly. They're all ok if done with taste.
Katherine- Thanks for the prayers. They are always appreciated.
Hammer- Thanks. It's going to be a quick down and back type of one. Not much in the way of relaxing at all.
I'm glad you're at peace with the loss of your father. From the stories you've told here, he sounds like a great guy who is very much missed.
I hope you are able to celebrate his life and the time you had with him.
Thanks for the shout Jeff! I am sorry about your fathers passing, I hope you have a safe trip.
Now that it is Saturday night, it is a bit late to say so now, but I will be praying for you and your family this weekend.
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